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CVTU May Chapter Meeting - Featuring Phil Sheffield

Our chapter meeting for May will feature Phil Sheffield. He’s a regular guy like everyone in the audience who loves where fish live. He is from Mystic, CT surrounded by salt water and will share his knowledge on how to be successful without worrying about how many fish you catch. You will come away from this meeting with hints on what to do when you don’t know what the hell you’re doing, from where to go, and when to start casting. He thrives tying flies that work for him and usually gives so many away he doesn’t have any left to fish with. His son Tim started the Facebook page, “Connecticut Catch and Release Fly Fishing” which is a great forum to gather information on current waters. Now Phil has been handed the torch because Tim didn’t want him to get bored during retirement!

In all honesty, fly fishing is fun if you let go of the ego and just enjoy the trip.

The meeting will take place in-person and online via Zoom. Our meeting place is Edmond Town Hall on main street in Newtown, in the Lower Meeting Room. Pizza and beverages at 7:00 pm and presentation at 7:30 pm.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 918 6918 6228

Passcode: 437951

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,91869186228#,,,,*437951# US (Washington DC)

+13126266799,,91869186228#,,,,*437951# US (Chicago)

Later Event: May 21
CVTU Spring Fundraiser